The Campus Master Plan will emerge from a process of listening, exploration, and discussion that generates ideas and possibilities to meet our community’s goals for this campus and how it serves our educational and residential mission.
A campus master plan, also sometimes called a facilities master plan, is designed to guide the development and evolution of our campus facilities and spaces through renovations, new construction, and other investments in the physical plant, so that it fully supports the greatest possibilities for the college and its mission. It guides how we use buildings, structures, and open spaces to serve the work and campus experience of students, faculty, staff, and the community while protecting and enhancing historical and other important spaces.
To be created in tandem with the college’s strategic planning process, the Campus Master Plan will guide the development of our campus over the next 10-to-20-years and provide clear, flexible, and actionable short- and long-term direction for our physical spaces and how they serve college ambitions and values.
A campus master plan informs how an institution uses its buildings and spaces to meet its academic, scholarly, research, artistic, residential, service, strategic, and related goals.
Our Campus Master Plan will guide us in ensuring that we meet these goals with our physical spaces and places while advancing accessibility, inclusion, and opportunity. It will articulate concepts and priorities that help make Lafayette as vital as possible a place for everyone who lives and works on campus, for our visitors, and for our neighbors, the city of Easton, and beyond.
Community input is essential to the campus planning process. At every stage, we will invite members of the college community to share their perspectives, thoughts, concerns, and feedback to help develop the plan and shape the future of the physical campus, from buildings to walkways, open spaces to roads, classrooms to residential spaces, and more.Lafayette’s campus places and spaces are among its greatest assets, and we must make the best possible use of them as a leading institution of learning, discovery, creativity, and science.
Our aim is to work together to create a campus that is even more vibrant, dynamic, beautiful, sustainable, and accessible. Your input will ensure that our campus plan serves Lafayette now and long into the future.
Lafayette College engaged SmithGroup to facilitate the campus plan, including the development of this webpage. SmithGroup is recognized as one of the leading interdisciplinary campus planning and design firms in the United States and is leading the campus planning process.
Each phase builds upon the previous one to generate ideas and deepen our understanding of the issues and opportunities that will inform the campus planning effort. We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you to all who attended our Campus Forum session in November.
You can view the presentation from that session here »