Directions to Easton, Pennsylvania

You can use the address of 730 High Street, Easton, PA 18042 in your gps to guide you to campus.

Driving directions from:

Points Northeast and East

  • Follow I-78 to US-22 into Easton. Immediately after crossing the bridge into Pennsylvania, take the N. 3rd St exit (second exit in Pennsylvania) and merge onto Snyder Street. 
  • At the stoplight, turn right onto 3rd Street and follow the road as it curves to the right and proceeds up College Avenue. 
  • At the top of the hill, turn left onto McCartney Street where you see the stone Lafayette College sign. 
  • Proceed to the stop sign. The College Store will be on your right.
  • Turn left onto High Street, proceed through the stop sign at Williams Center for the Arts and make the next right toward the Markle Parking Deck. You are entering the deck on the second floor.
  • Proceed straight, then turn left up the ramp and follow it to the third floor. 
  • At the top of the ramp, turn left and drive past the elevator shaft and the doors to the Welcome Center to park in designated visitor spots, although parking is available anywhere on the third floor.
  • During business hours, visitors should proceed through the double doors of the Hugel Welcome Center to enter Markle Hall. Our staff will be happy to direct you to your next destination.

Points South and West

Note that your GPS may direct you to exit from US-22 at the 13th Street exit. This will bring you through the back of campus. If you would like to enter the campus from the front, drive past the 13th St. exit to the 4th Street/PA-248 E exit.

  • After exiting at 4th St/PA 248 E, at the stoplight, turn left onto Bushkill St.
  • At the next stoplight, turn left onto 3rd St.
  • Proceed under the bridge and through the stoplight, then follow the road as it curves to the right and proceeds up College Avenue. 
  • At the top of the hill, turn left onto McCartney Street where you see the stone Lafayette College sign. 
  • Proceed to the stop sign. The College Store will be on your right.
  • Turn left onto High Street, proceed through the stop sign at Williams Center for the Arts and make the next right toward the Markle Parking Deck. You are entering the deck on the second floor.
  • Proceed straight, then turn left up the ramp and follow it to the third floor. 
  • At the top of the ramp, turn left and drive past the elevator shaft and the doors to the Welcome Center to park in designated visitor spots, although parking is available anywhere on the third floor.
  • During business hours, visitors should proceed through the double doors of the Hugel Welcome Center to enter Markle Hall. Our staff will be happy to direct you to your next destination.

Points North

  • From Route 33 take PA-191 exit at Stockertown.
  • At the stoplight turn left on to PA- 191 N/Industrial Boulevard.
  • At the stoplight, turn right onto Main Street. In a few hundred yards, Main Street will become Sullivan Trail.
  • Follow Sullivan Trail for approximately 4 miles through a stoplight, past the Lafayette Metzgar Athletic Field Complex and LaFarm, and through 3 more stoplights.
  • Sullivan Trail will become Knox Avenue as you proceed down the hill.
  • Turn right onto McCartney Street and proceed through one stop sign until you reach the stop sign at High Street. The College Store will be at this intersection, catty corner on your left.
  • Turn right onto High Street, proceed through the stop sign at Williams Center for the Arts and make the next right toward the Markle Parking Deck. You are entering the deck on the second floor.
  • Proceed straight, then turn left up the ramp and follow it to the third floor. 
  • At the top of the ramp, turn left and drive past the elevator shaft and the doors to the Welcome Center to park in designated visitor spots, although parking is available anywhere on the third floor.
  • During business hours, visitors should proceed through the double doors of the Hugel Welcome Center to enter Markle Hall. Our staff will be happy to direct you to your next destination.